Villa Dalyan and Villa Margarita


Turkish isn’t an easy language to learn, but it’s worth picking up a few words and phrases to amuse yourself and to astonish and delight the Turks! Despite oddities such as the silent ‘g'(ð) and undotted i (ý), Turkish is phonetic and simple to pronounce. In a few minutes you can get the hang of the sounds, and then you’re ready to start talking. Most letters are said just as they’re written: but here’s a list of the tricky ones:
A,a short, as in ‘ant’. E,e short as in ‘bell’. Ý,i as ‘ee’ in ‘bee’. I,ý ‘uh’ like the ‘e’ in ‘open’. Ö,ö as German ‘ö’, or ‘fur’. U,u short as ‘oo’ in ‘moon’. Ü,ü same as German ‘ü’, or ‘pew’. C,c is a ‘j’, as jam. Ç,ç ‘ch’ is in ‘chin’.G,g always hard, as in ‘get’. Ð,ð: not pronounced, lengthens preceding vowel, ignore it! H,h always pronounced, as in ‘hat’. J,j as in French ‘j’, or ‘rouge’. S,s always ‘ss’, never ‘z’. Þ,þ ‘sh’ as in ‘ship’. X,x not used, Turks use ‘ks’ instead.

Meeting peopleHello: Merhaba 
Good morning: Günaydýn 
Good evening: Ýyi akþamlar 
How are you?: Nasýlsýnýz? 
Very well: Çok iyiyim 
 Useful wordsYes: Evet
No: Hayýr
Please: Lütfen
Thank you: Teþekkür ederim
Excuse me: Pardon
What? Ne? How? Nasýl?
How much?: Ne kadar?
Who?: Kim?
When?: Ne zaman?
What time is it?: Saat kaç?
Friend: Arkadaþ
Big/Small: Büyük/Küçük
Hot/Cold: Sýcak/Soðuk
Left/Right: Sol/Sað
Near/Far: Yakýn/Uzak
Early/Late: Erken/Geç
Good/Bad: Ýyi/Kötü
Beautiful: Güzel
Street: Sokak/Cadde
I don’t understand: Anlamýyorum
I don’t know: Bilmiyorum
Sun/Sea: Güneþ/Deniz
Water: Su
 TransportWhere is the…?:  … nerede? 
… bus station?: Otogar …? 
… airport?: Hava alaný …? 
I want a map / timetable: Bir harita/bir tarife istiyorum. 
turn left/right here: Buradan sola/saða dönün 
Please stop!: Lütfen durun 
We’re in a hurry: Acelemiz var 
Please drive more carefully: Lütfen daha dikkatli sürünüz. 
I want to get off (minibus): inecek var 
I want a ticket to Izmir: Ýzmir’e bir bilet istiyorum 
When does it leave? Ne zaman kalkýyor? 
This is my seat: Burasý benim yerim. 
I want to hire a car…: Arabc Kiralamak istiyorum 
… for 4 days : … dört gün için 
Driving license: Ehliyet 
There’s a flat tire: Patlak lastik var. 
Jack: Kriko 
A full tank please: Tam depo lütfen 
Lead free petrol: Kurþunsuz benzin 
We’re lost: Kaybolduk 
Our car has broken down : Arabamýz bozuldu
 ShoppingDo you take credit cards? Kredi kartý kabul ediyor musunuz?
I’m just looking: Yalnýz bakýyorum.
That’s too expensive: Çok pahalý
What’s your best price? Son fiyatýnýz ne?
Can I try this on? Bunu deneyebilirmiyim?
A larger/smaller size: Daha büyük/küçük beden
It really suits you: Size çok yakýþýyor
We’ll come back tomorrow: Yarýn yine geleceðiz
At the hotelI want …: … istiyorum
… a double room : Ýki kiþilik oda
… a quiet room: Sessiz bir oda
… soap/shampoo : sabun/þampuan …
… to change the room: odamý deðiþtirmek…
… toilet paper:
… clean towels: Temiz havlu …
The toilet is blocked: Tuvalet týkalý
Please wake us at 6 am: Lütfen bizi altýda uyandýrýnEating outBon appetite: Afiyet olsun
Rare/medium (steak) : Az/orta piþmiþ
Cheers!: Þerefe!
White wine : Beyaz þarap
Red wine : Kýrmýzý þarap
Dry/sweet: sek/dömisek
2 more bottles, please: Ýki þiþe daha, lütfen
Ice cold bear: Buz gibi bira
Soft drink: Alkolsüz içki
Table for four: Dört kiþilik masa
Hot (spicy): Acý
Meatballs: Köfte
Mixed salad: Karýþýk salata
Without oil: Zeytinyaðsýz
Barbecue: Mangal
Typical Turkish cuisine: Tipik Türk Mutfaðý
Fruit: Meyve
Unsweetened/medium/sweet (Turkish Coffee): Sade/orta/þekerli
Compliments to the chef: Aþçýya tebriklerNew friendsWhat’s your name? Adýnýz ne?
My name is…: Benim adým…
Where are you from? Nerelisiniz?
From London/Ýstanbul: Londralýyým/Ýstanbulluyum
Are you alone? Yalnýz mýsýnýz?
Are you married? Evli misiniz?
Where’s your hotel? Oteliniz nerede?
In town: Þehir merkezinde
What kind of music do you like? Ne tür müzik seversiniz?
What do you like doing? Nelerden hoþlanýrsýnýz?
Pleased to meet you: Memnun oldum
Would you like an ice-cream? Dondurma ister misiniz?
No thanks : Saðolun
Let’s go and swim: Yüzelim mi?
You go, I don’t want to: Siz gidin, ben istemiyorum.
Seriously?:  Ciddimisin?
Where do you work?: Nerede çalýþýyorsunuz?
I’m a student: Öðrenciyim
What are you studying? Ne okuyorsun?
Business studies/French : Ýþletme / Fransýzca
I work in a bank : Bankacýlýk yapýyorum
In an advertising agency: Reklam ajansýnda çalýþýyorum
Do you make good money? Ýyi para kazanýyormusun?
What’s it to you? Sana ne?
What kind of car do you have? Nasýl bir arabanýz var?
What’s your house like? Eviniz nasýl?
Would you like a drink? Bir içki alýr mýsýnýz?
I’m drunk: Sarhoþ oldum
Let’s go and dance! Hadi, dans edelim
Your eyes are beautiful : Gözlerin çok güzel
I’m allergic to roses: Güle alerjim var
Our friends have left early: Arkadaþlarýmýz erken gittiler
You dance so well: Mükemmel dans ediyorsun
I feel so close to you: Kendimi sana yakýn hissediyorum
I love you: Seni seviyorum
Don’t do that: Yapma!
No, not tonight: Bu akþam olmaz
I love you too: Ben de seni seviyorum.
Good night: Ýyi gecel